“I should have known before I made that hire – it was not going to be a good fit, but I took the chance …”

For the number of times we have heard this from a CEO, HR Manager, Dept. Manager, Foreman – you name it – we should have asked for a dollar as we would be rich!

Hiring by the gut – make a less than fully informed selection – unfortunately continues to be prevalent in companies and they have been burned. There is not debating that the right hiring decision must be based on skills, experience, background and as well as fit to the job, required skills and company – and this is where things fail as in many cases, this full-cycle isn’t completed.

We call this RightMatchFit ™

RightMatchFit ™ utilizes validated, predictive, and job specific tools to determine if the candidate you are considering can do the job, will do the job, and will fit into the company: it’s culture, and mode of doing business:

Job Specific Assessments (Person – to- Skills Fit)

Based upon validated and quantitative data, these assessments measure an individual’s skills & abilities to do the job. Maybe they do not have all the technical talents you need now – but can they learn quickly and be productive. You will know. You will also determine if what they have told you is the real story!

Job Fit Assessments (Person – to – Job Fit)

An individual may have the skills to do the job, but do they fit the job from a personality, behavioral, attitude and drive perspective. If the job doesn’t fit the person, it is best to pass – for both you and the job seeker. Better to cut the cord now rather than face a divorce later on that affects everyone in the company.

Company Fit Assessments (Person – to –Company Fit)

People often love their job, but hate their company. Why – they don’t fit into the culture of the company, the way they do business or some other critical factors. They become disengaged and productivity suffers. Head this off by evaluating an individual to the culture of the company, and be sure they fit it. Again – best for both parties.

We have over 100 job-specific, behavioral, cultural, engagement evaluations, skills assessments all that use predictive analytics:


In hiring, it is no time to guess. Data rules, and by utilizing data derived from assessing your top performers in a job, and applying this data (Success Benchmark TM) to candidates who have the right technical, job-related and other skills, qualifications, education, etc., you will make an informed hiring decision – not a guess and hope – with the predictability of on-the-job-performance and fit to the job & organization. Predictive analytics is fast and scalable for all size organizations.

Recruiters report they spend just six seconds reviewing a resume – it is highly likely a high-potential candidate is missed. Many organizations are using predictive assessments on the front-end of recruiting as well to be sure no one is missed.

We are also assessment developers

Have a very unique need – we can help with our team of Organizational Development experts in the design of tools and resources to meet your needs.

We’d love to hear from you!

We find you the perfect candidate. With over 30 years experience, we get you the results you want.